
Tooth extraction (pulling a tooth)


What is a tooth extraction

During the procedure, the entire tooth, including all tooth roots, is pulled. Pulling a tooth is a last resort procedure; nevertheless, it is still the most common surgical procedure in dentistry.

Who should undergo the procedure

There are a number of reasons why tooth extraction may be needed. A common reason involves a tooth that is too poorly damaged, from decay or trauma, to be repaired by a filling or prosthetic treatment. Sometimes, teeth are pulled to prepare for orthodontic treatment, due to periodontal (gum) disease or if they hinder the possibility to make a suitable replacement tooth.

Before the procedure

Before tooth extraction, it is always necessary to have an initial dental examination performed. Based, on a thorough check, the dentist decides whether tooth extraction is necessary or whether there might be a different solution to the problem and extraction could be avoided. You may ask any questions, in particular, questions related to the tooth extraction, your expectations and concerns, during the consultation.

Don´t forget to have breakfast before the procedure. This way, you will reduce the risk of fainting. This recommendation only concerns treatment provided under local anesthesia. For analgosedation, it is necessary to be fasting for 6 hours before the procedure.

How is the procedure performed

Tooth extraction is performed by a forceps under local anesthesia or analgosedation. Sometimes, roots have to be pulled separately. If necessary, the wound may be sewn by a suture which is removed after a week. Some sutures are absorbable and don´t require removal. The time needed to pull a tooth and how difficult the procedure will be depend primarily on the shape of tooth roots. Pulling a temporary baby tooth is usually very easy.

It is very common to be afraid of pulling a tooth. Therefore, our clients may opt for local anesthesia for their dental treatment which provides for painless treatment. For large interventions or fearful patients, analgosedation might be an option to reduce anxiousness. Do not hesitate to share your concerns with you dentist and make use of this option.

What is analgosedation

Analgosedation is a state induced by a combination of analgesics (pain killers) with sedatives (calming substances). Analgosedation causes numbness similar to light sleep and the patient does not feel any fear or stress. You don´t feel any pain but, at the same time, you are able to react to the dentist´s instructions and, therefore, are able to cooperate which is necessary during dental treatments. You are not aware of the intervention after you wake up.

After the surgery

In the days following tooth extraction, the wound may be painful (the pain can be eased by ice packs and prescribed or recommended medication). Should the pain persist or increase, it is necessary to see a dentist. Do not rinse your mouth on the day of the procedure. However, you can eat and drink (take softer foods and chew on the healthy side, if possible). Smoking and alcohol drinking are not recommended. Your lip, cheek and a part of your tongue will feel numb for the first few hours after the procedure. Therefore, be careful not to bite yourself when eating. Especially children tend to bite their numbed tongue or lip. Use any medication prescribed to you by your dentist or your regular medication (if not instructed otherwise). You can rinse your mouth by a solution containing chamomile, agrimony etc. Pain and swelling could make the patient avoid drinking. It is necessary to clean your teeth even after tooth extraction, just be careful and avoid hurting the wound.

If surgical extraction was performed, it is necessary to use ice packs on the cheek above the treated area for the first 2-3 hours (for approx. 15-20 minutes, then make a break for some 20 to 30 minutes). It is also possible to support the measure by eating e.g. ice cream. Using ice packs at a later stage is not appropriate.

Length of procedure: 60 min.
Length of hospitalisation: usually performed in an out-patient setting
Price: from 900 CZK
Example of price estimate

The overall price of a dental procedure depends on its scope and on how complicated it is. The treating dentist will provide you with an accurate price plan and explain it to you. 

Tooth extraction 900 - 2.900 CZK
Root apex treatment 2.000 - 5.100 CZK
Cyst extraction 5.500 - 8.300 CZK
Local anesthesia 500 CZK
Analgosedation 2.200 CZK
General anesthesia 3.300 CZK
Superficial anesthesia 200 CZK
An X-ray 500 CZK
A panoramic radiograph 1.100 CZK

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