
Carpal tunnel

Aesthetics / Men

What is a carpal tunnel surgery

It is a surgery decompressing a nerve in the wrist area. Microtraumas, fractures and inflammations can lead to the oppression of the median nerve in the area of the wrist and the development of the carpal tunnel syndrome. Currently, poor computer ergonomics is an increasingly frequent cause of a chronic wrist strain. The symptoms of the condition most often include increased sensitivity, tingling in the thumb, index finger, middle finger and a part of the ring finger most often during night or after strain. The grip function and strength of the hand deteriorate.

Who is a good candidate for the procedure

Surgical treatment is indicated after a failure of conservative treatment (rest, injections etc.) and is based on electromyography which demonstrates the oppression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel.

Before the procedure

If you consider a carpal tunnel surgery, it is always necessary to undergo a non-binding initial consultation with a plastic surgeon, who will assess whether the procedure is right for you, suggest the necessary examinations to confirm the indication for the procedure, explain the technique and the scope of the surgery, the type of anaesthesia, as well as the possible risks associated with the surgery. During the consultation you can ask any questions, in particular those related to the course of the surgery, as well as your expectations and concerns about the carpal tunnel surgery results.

When making a binding appointment, you will be given and explained instructions on how to prepare for the procedure, as well as information regarding eating, drinking, smoking and taking or withdrawing from certain medications. Compliance with all these instructions is necessary and will facilitate a smooth procedure and seamless healing after the wrist surgery.

How is carpal tunnel surgery performed

We perform conventional open surgery under local anaesthesia when, by means of a longitudinal incision (no longer than 2 cm) in the palm, the transverse carpal ligament is divided and thus the compressed median nerve is released. 

After the procedure

After the surgery, immobilisation of the limb by means of a splint is required as recommended by the surgeon and for a period that depends on the nature of the procedure, most often for 1 – 3 weeks.  The type and timing of subsequent physiotherapy after the surgery will be decided by the surgeon according to the nature of the performed surgery. The period of incapacity for work depends on the procedure and the occupation of the patient and varies between 2 and 6 weeks.

Branch of procedure: plastic surgery
Length of procedure: 30 - 60 minutes
Length of hospitalisation: conducted on a day case basis
Price: from 6.600 CZK
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