
Breast reduction

Aesthetics / Women / Breasts and décolleté

What is a breast reduction

Breast reduction is a plastic surgery aimed at reducing the breasts if they are excessively large.

Who is a good candidate for the procedure

The most common reason for breast reduction is a serious health problem but sometimes excessively endowed women just wish to change their appearance by reducing their bust. A frequent problem caused by an excessive size of the mammary gland also involves major restrictions in sports.

Before the procedure

If you consider breast reduction, it is always necessary to undergo a non-binding initial consultation with a plastic surgeon, who will assess whether the procedure is right for you. He or she will explain the technique and the incision placement. You will be informed about the type of anaesthesia, as well as about the possible risks associated with the surgery. During the consultation you can ask any questions, in particular those related to the course of the surgery, as well as your expectations and concerns about the breast reduction results.

When making a binding appointment, you will be given and explained instructions on how to prepare for the procedure, as well as information regarding eating, drinking, smoking and taking or withdrawing from certain medications. Compliance with all these instructions is necessary and will facilitate a smooth procedure and seamless healing after the breast reduction.

How is breast reduction performed

There exist many different techniques for breast reduction. They differ in the way of reducing the excess breast tissue and in the technique of the reposition of the areola which, in large breasts, is placed low on the chest. The choice of the technique should primarily be based on the need to achieve a convenient shape of the breast after the reduction. Breastfeeding ability may not be impaired even after this procedure. Breast reduction is performed under general anaesthesia. The procedure basically involves a reposition of the areola back to its normal position and a removal of excess skin and mammary gland tissue. Remaining lateral flaps are connected in the centre of the breast by suture, thus achieving smaller size and conical shape of the breast. The resulting scar is typically in the shape of an inverted T.

After the procedure

After surgical breast reduction, you may temporarily experience bruises, swelling, discomfort, numbness and very dry skin and a change in nipple sensitivity. Permanent scarring can occur. In the event of lactiferous duct interruption, breastfeeding is no longer possible. When lying, a position on the back is recommended. Three weeks after the surgery, perform daily pressure massage and scar taping. Apply a moisturizing lotion to the skin of the surgery area. Wear special underwear 24 hours a day for 14 days, later at least 12 hours a day until full stabilization is achieved, i.e. for two to three months. Scars fade out in a few months or a year. Based on the check-up, the stitches will be removed 6 – 14 days after the surgery. After the breast reduction, a return to normal activity is usually possible within 3 – 4 weeks. Avoid physical activity for 4 – 6 weeks after the surgery. The longevity of the procedure varies depending on weight fluctuation, any subsequent pregnancy and ageing.

Branch of procedure: plastic surgery
Length of procedure: 2 - 3 hours
Length of hospitalisation: 3 days
Longevity of procedure results: individual
Price: from 62.700 CZK
Example of price estimate

The price depends on the scope and complexity of the procedure and it includes the following:

  • Consultation with plastic surgeon: deducted if the procedure is undergone
  • Comprehensive preoperative evaluation
  • General anaesthesia: 2 – 3 hrs
  • Breast bandage
  • Surgery procedure 
  • Postoperative stay at the Clinic (3 days)
  • Postoperative care package
  • Postoperative physiotherapy

The price only includes services as shown above. If a combination of procedures is necessary, based on the initial consultation, the Clinic will present and explain a proposed scope of the intervention including a price plan.

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